Kansas Day at Natoma Elementary
Celebrating Kansas Day through activities and object lessons continues to bring excitement to students and teachers across the state each year as they re-live the life and times of their Sunflower state. In today's world it is difficult to imagine the extraordinary progress since statehood on January 29, 1861. In the small rural community of Natoma, Unified School District 399 teachers, paras, and peers, with volunteers from the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 109, provided a myriad of lessons for elementary students K-6th grades, Friday, January 27. The question of "why" for the state motto Ad Astra per Aspera (meaning "to the stars through difficulties") revealed the tenacity of Native Americans and early Pioneers. A bygone era was brought to life using artifacts, stories, demonstrations, photography, and artwork. Two trunks filled with Kansas history and artifacts were provided through the Kansas Historical Museum in Topeka. For a modest fee of $20 per trunk, the annual programs are enhanced throughout the state.