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NPL League Forensics
The Natoma High School forensics team attended a tournament in Sylvan-Lucas. At the tournament the team placed 3rd overall! League Champs were Lynae and Sophie in IDA and Lynae in Serious Solo 2nd place - . . .
Behind the Scenes - Natoma Forensics State Results
The Natoma Forensics team is State bound! The competition will be held at Salina on Saturday, May 7th. The members that are participating are MaKayla & Ashton for IDA, Gracyn for a Serious Solo, Raylyn for a Humorous Solo, . . .
Forensics To Attend State Championships for the first time in many years
We can be proud to say that the Forensics team ia able to go to State for the first time. In the other years they weren't able to go because Graduation was always on the same date, lucky for us this year it's not. The State . . .