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12 Days of Christmas
Students have an opportunity to dress up the twelve days before we leave for Christmas break!
Natoma FFA Finds Success Builds Career Skills
The Natoma FFA Chapter has done well this Fall in CDEs. On November 15th, 12 members traveled to Russell to compete in the Northwest District Milk Quality and Products (MQ&P) and Food Science events. Expectations . . .
Natoma High School Grad Receives FFA American Degree
Dylan Pruter, a 2017 graduate of Natoma High, received the highest degree that can be awarded by the National FFA Organization at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana on October 27th, 2018. This degree has been acquired by . . .
Natoma FFA Has Success in Spring Events
The Natoma FFA Chapter has enjoyed a productive 2018. On Sunday, April 28th, the state career development event teams headed for Manhattan and the campus of Kansas State University to compete in Milk Quality and Products, Food Science, Dairy . . .
Natoma FFA at State CDEs
Click on the link that follows to read about the FFA students. NATOMA FFA
Natoma FFA Wins District Events
On October 12th, 2016, thirteen members of the Natoma FFA chapter headed out early in the morning en route for district career development events hosted in the far northwest corner of the state. Bird City was . . .